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Like the stones we are built upon, we are steadfast and strong. And we do not yield!

The Stonewood Clan was a Gelfling clan which inhabited the Endless Forest. Its members had a reputation for fierceness and of being skilled in battle,[2] and were the most commonly recruited Gelfling in the Castle Guard. The Stonewood were one of the more prosperous clans thanks to their home's abundant natural resources and the prestige they enjoyed from their proximity to the Castle of the Crystal.[3] Their patron tree was Olyeka-Staba, and their sigil animal was the Fizzgig. Their skin was light brown with green shading on the tops of their heads.

The prosperity enjoyed by the Stonewood, combined with their combativeness, resulted in a competitive streak which sometimes put them at odds with other clans.[3] While on good terms with the Vapra Clan,[4] and occasionally traded with the Spriton,[5] the Stonewood were deeply suspicious of the Dousan's spiritual beliefs,[4] and were largely ignorant of the continued existence of the Grottans.[5][6]


Stonewood Clan

The Stonewood Clan

According to the Gelfling creation myth, the Song of the Six Sisters, the Stonewood were entrusted by Thra to preserve the burning fire and the essence of the hearth.[7]

During the late Age of Division, the Stonewood fought in the Arathim Wars, which they won after Ordon single-handedly routed the invasion force during the First Battle of Stone-in-the-Wood.[1] After the death of All-Maudra Mayrin at the hands of the Skeksis 30 trine later, Maudra Fara opposed the ascension of Seladon[4] and began the Stonewood Rebellion, which was swiftly crushed through a Skeksis-Arathim alliance.[8]

The Stonewood later regrouped at Stone-in-the-Wood under the leadership of Rian, and took the brunt of the fighting during the Second Battle of Stone-in-the-Wood.[9]


The Stonewood inhabited the Endless Forest, with most of them residing in Stone-in-the-Wood, located in the center of the Forest.[10] The Stonewood themselves in living what they termed the "hearth of Skarith Land".[11]


Daily life in Stone-in-the-Wood was dictated by daily tasks assigned by the Maudra and her council of elders. The clan counted among its members many blacksmiths, woodcrafters, stoneworkers, fire keepers, gardeners and hunters, as well as wayfinders and song tellers. Work lasted all day, and concluded at sunset with a communal meal at the village hearth.[12]

Relations with the Skeksis[]

Because of their proximity to the Castle of the Crystal, the Stonewood's intimacy with the Skeksis rivaled that of the ruling Vapra Clan, with its members being the most frequently recruited to be Castle Guards. Because of this, many Stonewood resented the favoritism placed by the Lords of the Crystal on the Vapra, believing that their closeness to the Castle and their greater frequency of interaction with the Skeksis made them worthier of favor. Nevertheless, they did nothing to change the status quo in the interest of stability, as a dispute with the Vapra could have resulted economic sanctions, blocking all imports from the port of Ha'rar and strangling trade with the Sifa Clan.[13]

Name Day[]

Like other Gelfling Clans, the Stonewood celebrated Name Day, though in their variant, the festivity included a rite of passage, during which the younglings would scale Bolentor and chisel their names onto the stones found at its summit.[14]


Because of the abundance of natural resources in the Endless Forest, the Stonewood had become master craftsmen of both stone and wood. Their homes were built by encouraging trees to weave stone and wood together, and their stone-tipped spears and daggers were highly sought after.[15] Stonewood musical instruments were also held in high regard, and were favored even among the court musicians in Ha'rar.[16]


The Stonewood typically ate their meals at a communal hearth, thus their dishes were predominantly prepared through roasting, baking and searing. Their diet included animals taken from the forest, though also fruit such as Peachberry and Bluemouth fruit, washed down with a cup of Black River water. Stonewood apothecaries had also mastered the art of turning the poisonous slime of the Arara Tree into an intoxicating beverage.[17]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Age of resistance logo – Andelfinger, Nicole., Age of Resistance – The Quest for the Dual Glaive, #4, Archaia, USA, December 2019
  2. Age of resistance logo Age of Resistance – "End. Begin. All the Same.". Netflix. August 30, 2019
  3. 3.0 3.1 Lee, J. M. (2019), Heroes of the Resistance, Penguin Young Readers Licences, pp. 42-43, ISBN 978-0.593-09539-3
  4. 4.0 4.1 4.2 Age of resistance logo Age of Resistance – "By Gelfling Hand...". Netflix. August 30, 2019
  5. 5.0 5.1 Age of resistance logo Age of Resistance – "What Was Sundered and Undone". Netflix. August 30, 2019
  6. Age of resistance logo – Andelfinger, Nicole., Age of Resistance – The Quest for the Dual Glaive, #3, Archaia, USA, December 2019
  7. Lee, J.M (2020), Songs of the Seven Gelfling Clans, Penguin Young Readers Licenses, pp. 110-111, ISBN 0593095596
  8. Age of resistance logo Age of Resistance – "Time to Make...My Move". Netflix. August 30, 2019
  9. Age of resistance logo Age of Resistance – "A Single Piece Was Lost". Netflix. August 30, 2019
  10. Lee, J.M (2020), Songs of the Seven Gelfling Clans, Penguin Young Readers Licenses, p. 1, ISBN 0593095596
  11. Lee, J.M (2020), Songs of the Seven Gelfling Clans, Penguin Young Readers Licenses, p. 6, ISBN 0593095596
  12. Lee, J.M (2020), Songs of the Seven Gelfling Clans, Penguin Young Readers Licenses, pp. 3-4, ISBN 0593095596
  13. Lee, J.M (2020), Songs of the Seven Gelfling Clans, Penguin Young Readers Licenses, pp. 5-6, ISBN 0593095596
  14. Lee, J.M (2020), Songs of the Seven Gelfling Clans, Penguin Young Readers Licenses, p. 7, ISBN 0593095596
  15. Lee, J.M (2020), Songs of the Seven Gelfling Clans, Penguin Young Readers Licenses, p. 8, ISBN 0593095596
  16. Lee, J.M (2020), Songs of the Seven Gelfling Clans, Penguin Young Readers Licenses, p. 12, ISBN 0593095596
  17. Lee, J.M (2020), Songs of the Seven Gelfling Clans, Penguin Young Readers Licenses, pp. 13-15, ISBN 0593095596
Gelfling Clans
DousanDrenchenGrottanSifaSpritonStonewoodVapraSilver Sea Clan
Gelfling Clans

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