The Dark Crystal Wiki
The Dark Crystal Wiki

The Dousan know death like the Spriton know the soil, and death hangs heavily over the Circle of the Suns.

The Circle of the Suns was a ruin located in the Crystal Desert. It was situated on a cavern leading to the Breath of Thra,[2] and was avoided by the Dousan Clan, whose members considered it cursed.[3] It became the home of the exiles skekGra the Heretic and urGoh the Wanderer, who cultivated hallucinogenic urdrupes there in order to see into the future. UrGoh erected copies of the Standing Stones within the Circle, but they proved ineffective in repelling skekMal's attack.[1]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Age of resistance logo Age of Resistance – "Time to Make...My Move". Netflix. August 30, 2019
  2. 2.0 2.1 Age of resistance logo Age of Resistance – "Prophets Don't Know Everything". Netflix. August 30, 2019
  3. Age of resistance logo Age of Resistance – "By Gelfling Hand...". Netflix. August 30, 2019